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About the Blog
Reading in Color is a book blog that reviews YA/MG books about people of color (poc). There is a serious lack of books being reviewed by teens that are YA/MG about people of color, I hope my blog is one step closer to filling in this void.
I started Reading in Color after I discovered the wonderful world of book blogs. I loved being able to discuss books with fellow book lovers. But I soon noticed that very few books about POC were being reviewed. I wanted recommendations of YA books about POC, sometimes I got tired of reading about the white norm. So I started this blog to get recommendations about YA POC and share them with others. After all, I couldn't be the only teen of color who felt this way? Since starting my blog, I've been including MG that features POC.
If you review books about POC or you want to start but don't know what to read first, contact me! I'll add you to my blogroll and I'd be happy to send suggestions and links :)
willbprez at aol dot com